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Journal Trolling4Dollars's Journal: Miscellania 5

First thought at the moment: my karma is going down, down, down... I don't think it's a coincidence that this is happening just before the election season. I have a feeling that any right-wingers or people sympathetic to the current administration on /. are using their mod points in heavily political fashion right about now. Mostly in an attempt to silence the opposition. But take heart my friends, there are many more of us than there are them both here and in the real world. Just do yourself a favor and make it to the polls in November and vote against Bush.

Good Calendaring Solution for Home Use: I've been playing around with the Mozilla Project's Sunbird. It's pretty nice. I still like Evolution's feature set a lot more, but since I'm not interested in the price tag I'd have to pay to run Windows Server 2003 and Exchange 2003 at home for the family calendar, I think I will be going the Sunbird/Apache/WebDAV/SSL route. I played around with that the other day and it seems to work rather nicely. I was able to publish a calendar from work to home and from home to work using my "SSH VPN" tunnel. Hehehe... I don't get why more people don't do this kind of thing. I don't trust someone like MSN to store all that info or be able to bring it back in the event of a catastrophic failure. At the moment, I run my own mail, web, DNS, VPN, and IM services that are all used by my friends and family over encrypted tunnels. Come on... this is't THAT unusual is it? Surely some of you are doing the same things? Which leads me to...

Am I really that different: I really wish software companies would realize that more people are going to want groupware and application servers at home for their families instead of just a PC or two, local apps and wireless. Personally, I don't think I'm that unusual in running my own mail/web and DNS servers. I also don't think I'm that unusual in having all of the family apps running on a nice X application server. Where I do think I am unusual is that I'm doing it in 2004. I think this is going to be the route that everyone will go in a few years. Not necesarily X, or OSS/Free, but centralized Application appliances, personal web/mail servers behind firewalls and family VPNs. The technology is all here now. But the ease of setting it up isn't yet. Once it's just a plug and play affair with a monthly maintenance fee (ie. security and updates maintained by service providers), it will be a reality. That is unless we get 100 Gigbits from the phone pole to the home anytime soon. Then everything changes.

Frozen-Bubble: One of the best puzzle style games I've played in a long time. Being a huge fan of the Rubik's Cube, Tetris and chess, the game Frozen-Bubble really appeals to me. I made it up to level 54 today. It get VERY challenging around level 45.

He Say, She Say: Just in case Brent Metzler rips out his JE in the face of some truth, here is a link with interesting info about the documents regarding Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard. Sure it's from CBS News themselves. But, then again, Brent sees fit to post his "news" from the NY Post which is about as trustworthy as... a turd from NY?

Quick Poll: Why did you get into computers?
1. I was told it was a good way to make money
2. One of my idols (Scotty on Star Trek/Your 9th grade maths or science teacher/character in a book, etc...) was into computers when I was a kid
3. I live by the D.I.Y. ethic
4. I like computers better than people
5. Power Baby! Gie me POWER!!!!
I'll start: 2, 3, 4

Daft Punk: Damn these guys rule! I've been a fan of their music since their album "Homework". When they started work on those great anime videos for the songs from their album "Discovery" I had no idea how great their vision would turn out to be. I bought the DVD earlier this year and have watched it several times now. It's just too cool to see them paired up with Leji Matsumoto. This is a masterpiece! The vocoder vocals by Romanthony just rock! Oh yeah... and it's GREAT music to screw to. Seriously. Then again so is Homework. ;P

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  • LOL

    6. I grew up playing with punch cards (my dad worked at the big blue)

    That and no. 2.
  • Frozen-Bubble: One of the best puzzle style games I've played in a long time.

    Forget the puzzles. Look at those CUTE LITTLE PENGUINS! ;-)

  • my karma is going down, down, down... I don't think it's a coincidence that this is happening just before the election season. I have a feeling that any right-wingers or people sympathetic to the current administration on /. are using their mod points in heavily political fashion right about now.

    I checked the two posts that were moderated troll; you probably made an enemy with the anti-bush stuff, which I think should be under-rated.

    The Star Wars rant was probably modded troll by someone who buys every

  • 6: other. I thought computers (and other gadgets) are interesting. Well, at the time (I was 9) I mainly thought computer GAMES were interesting.

    You insensitive prick.

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