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Journal OldHawk777's Journal: Overtime Changes provide more Corporate Welfare from US.

Eight Workers' Payments to Corporate Welfare America -------------- Each Week
______________Units _____Units___ Units_____Octet__ Corporate____Units
__Type of _____Hours_%%__OT___ Theft of___ Profit___ $15/Unit__One Worker
Compensation __Value_____Loss___Property___Units____ Profit_____Value

____ This logic implies that for Every Eight Employees (EEE) that work 55Hrs/Week with no OverTime (OT) compensation from the Corporation will result in a total payment by US of $15/Hour, $600/Week, about 31K/Yr. The pay for an additional employee (about $31K) is now “Corporate Welfare” reward. However, $31K/Yr is not all the winnings received in “Corporate Welfare” from US for eight (Octet-Profit) employees . Additionally the welfare payments include a “Bonus Prize”, of additional employee cost avoidance would include additional proportional payments of about $15K a year health care insurance, worker's compensation insurance, Social Security Match, ....
____ The logic is based on the workers getting at-least base-pay ($15) for each hour, over 40Hrs/Week, worked (So, the OT 15 “Hours Value” is just an “OT Loss” of 5 wage units). This is seldom reality, many salaried corporate employees in the USA (like US Government GS-10 and above workers) get a base-pay cut or no compensation when working overtime. This is what I call congressionally sanctioned perfectly legal theft of property. Being conservative in my WAG, for 6M Citizens providing, this “Corporate Welfare” payment, 6M/8*(31K+15K)=$34,500,000,000.00=[750K jobs converted to “Corporate Welfare”. This is not congressional fuzzy-math, it is GDMFY-math and another humiliating tax on the USA middle-class disguised by comical-economics good-business lingo-spin. PATRIOTS beware of politicians barring lingo-spin gifts, because payment will be in our bread/blood reality.
THIS MAY NOT BE A TAX CUT, but the US Citizen-worker/Middle-class is overtaxed and abused.
____ “Corporate Welfare” is “Corporate Communism/Socialism”, it is not capitalism. “Corporate Welfare” creates laws that reward multi-millions criminals with, maybe, one or two years in jail, and then a very comfortable retirement (if they want to retire) to their palatial estate, yacht and captain, limousine and chauffeur, jet-plane and pilot, ....
____ The CEOs, managers, auditors, ... reached the top of the “Corporate Welfare Pyramid” scheme, apparently legally, recognized by the law of the land as a Successful Great American [AKA, by US Citizens as White Collar Trash (WCT)].
____ How many “Corporate Welfare Pyramid” crooks have gone to prison between 2000 and 2004 ... “Global Crossing, Enron, ...” (Older banking, savings & Loans, GM, IBM, ...) (older still Teapot-Dome, Red-Herring, War-Profiteering [From 1776 to Iraq] ...)? If your WAG equals my own (for this decade) well about a few, maybe 10, out of hundreds, (in prison) for between one and two years.
____ This is becoming a prime example of “YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!” in the USA ... did you buy, votes don't count, enough politicians (some are good folks, most are WCT). Rob a bank and you get five years or more; I guess, because you did not financially destroy thousands of retirements, mortgages, families, college funds, jobs, people, ... and get the tax-payers US to pay for damages. If you make it to the top of WCT America you can keep your house, car, college funds, stocks & bonds, family jewelery and art, ... you paid America's politicians for everything.
____ Some may say OT for workers, as an issue, has nothing to do with corruption in business, religion, and government in our USA, but the fact is WCT of America is always paying for what is best (for them), because they can, and WCT crime/corruption repercussions are a MFGD pitiful joke.
____ We need to start (when criminal activity is Prove in court) taking everything from the USA WCT criminals, leave their family and children in the poor house, and put them in jail for twenty (or more) years. When the WCT are proven to be incompetent paid professionals, then they and the persons involved in covering up their criminal negligence causing financial disaster for US Citizens should go to jail for five to ten years, and be held corporately and personally liable for financial damages to US Citizens. All these criminals should be going to jail and (including their wives and children) to the same poor-house in which they put USA Citizens with their WCT crimes.
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Overtime Changes provide more Corporate Welfare from US.

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