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Journal N473's Journal: Fun night planned 2

Tonight I am going to see Ministry and My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult with Cilla as my date. Seen both of them before, but going to be killer. Ministry lives here in El Paso, I was in a local dive with them a few weeks ago, althought at the time talking to Al I didn't recognize them... At least I didn't turn into a fanboi :-)

I'll post an update later or mañana after the show...

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Fun night planned

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  • Cool, man. That sounds like a REALLY awesome show! Damn, what a ticket. Let us know how good it was!
  • Sweet mother of god!

    Ministry is cool, and TKK is the r0x0r5 (or something), but I'm partial to KMFDM/MDFMK, Skinny Puppy, and Frontline Assembly.

    (Totally offtopic wandering follows) WTF ever happened to Zeromancer? They were like Orgy, only cool and not totally fucking stupid. And, why does Stabbing Westward suck now when they used to be so awesome? And why did Dwayne Goettel have to die (oh yea... the drugs)?

    Most importantly, why do I have to live near all the suckass bands like Live and Poison? :/

It's not an optical illusion, it just looks like one. -- Phil White
