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Journal pagsz's Journal: Ramblings of an Idiot (12th Installment)

Yes, I realize that this is the fourth Ramblings post in a row. The thing is, I have (and have had) a few things I wanted to jot down, but none of them warranted a full post of their own. When something warrants a full-blown post, it gets it. Otherwise, it just gets stuck here. I guess that Ramblings of an Idiot is just my version of Quickies . A few random, meaningless blurbs, strung together for no particular reason. Understand what I'm doing now? Honestly, neither do I.
  • India and Pakistan: It's not looking to good over there. Tensions continue to mount between the two nations over the disputed area of Kashmir. Pakistani militants have been making attacks into the Indian-held Kashmir (God, I gotta stop thinking of Led Zeppelin every time I type Kashmir). There's cross-border fire almost every day between the two sides. Each sides is lining up soldiers along the borders. And, as we all know, both nations have nuclear capabilities. Needless to say (I'll say it anyway), a full-scale war between two nuclear powers would be a bad thing©. Today, the State department advised the approximately 60,000 Americans in India to leave if possible. They avoided making it an order, because the move could be seen as an admission of the inevitability of a war between the two nations. That's the way it looks, though. That sucks.
  • Mozilla: In the month and a half that I've been using Mozilla (RC1 - RC3), I never really tried the tabbed browsing. I just started using it today, and I must admit it really comes in handy. Unfortunately, I still go to the Windows task bar, forgetting that I'm using the tabs. Oh, well, it's just something I'll have to get used to. Comes in handy.
  • World Trade Center: The clean-up of the WTC site just concluded yesterday. The last steel beam was taken out, covered in a black cloth and the American flag. It was taken to a hangar at Kennedy airport for storage, as it will likely be included in some future memorial. There is still some work to be done, mostly in finding body parts among the debris that has been taken to Staten Island.
  • World Cup: In lighter news, congratulations to Senegal, which in its first ever World Cup match defeated defending champion France, 1 - 0.

    Speaking of the World Cup, while I am not much of a soccer fan, I will be keeping track of it (I may not watch many games, but I will certainly know who won). I would like to see the US squad make a good showing this time around. The 1998 World Cup wasn't too good for the US, finishing dead last, scoring only one goal in three games. I have no illusions about the US winning it all, but I would like the US to make a strong showing this time around.

Me go now. No more post. Bye.

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Ramblings of an Idiot (12th Installment)

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The early bird who catches the worm works for someone who comes in late and owns the worm farm. -- Travis McGee
