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Journal JVert's Journal: Ghost busters 1

The wife heard the babys toy play music last night when she went to the bathroom. Its in the babys toy box in front of the fireplace. Its one of those round toys that play music when you spin it or press a button. It was playing the music from spinning the button. When she came out to see what if thats what really was playing she heard that final "goodbye" tune that toys play when kids stop playing. Something confirming she really did hear the toy playing while no one was in the room.

The toybox is a classic toybox, well this one is made from a cardboard box with wallpaper decorating it. The box is filled above the brim with toys spilling over it. In the morning the wife checked the toy to see if what could make it play the music, she couldn't find any logical method but she did say the toy was sitting lower then it was when she saw it playing. Understand, it was lower the next morning then when she saw it playing, so it did not shift during play, but sometime afterwards, assuming our witness is reliable (love you babe!).

So tonight we will set a microphone with a handy program that will record on demand when audible noise is heard. Wish me luck, i'm hoping for a slimer instead of a mouse.

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Ghost busters

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  • by ryanr ( 30917 ) *
    Many of my kids' toys go off all the time, especially when they are in a "toy box"-type pile. The "goodbye" thing makes me think it's a Leapfrog toy. I have several of those that go off. Just vibrations in the house can do it if something is sitting against a switch just right.

Physician: One upon whom we set our hopes when ill and our dogs when well. -- Ambrose Bierce
