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Journal CmdrTaco's Journal: Politics, Vacation, UofM Football 1

The politics section went live today. I'm quite nervous about it, but it'll be interesting to see what happens with it. After 20 minutes of posting, most comments in the discussion are pretty irrelevant (blah blah color scheme, blah blah jump the shark, blah blah). But then again, people are always incredibly negative whenever Slashdot does ANYTHING new. We'll see what happens when we start posting some content.

Several users commented that they don't think that the Slashdot editors represent much political diversity. For cying out loud, Pudge is an elected official in the GOP! The verbal wars waged in our IRC channels would convince anyone.

I'm certain that we can be fair in our story selection. I'm less certain that our posters and moderators can do the same. Politics brings out the best and worst in people, and I suspect that it will do exactly the same for our moderation system. We'll see all its flaws and strengths.

I'm planning a vacation at the end of the month. Kathleen & I are aiming to go to hawaii for a week. I've never been there and I'm really looking forward to some down time. This summer has been surprisingly stressful for me, and I really need some time to unplug. Unlike our last vacation, I think we're going to plan this one very loose: just a week of nothing. Play it by ear. If something sounds fun, we'll go do it. I'm really looking forward to it. Not looking forward to my inbox after that tho.

After 2.5 years of living in Ann Arbor I finally went to a UofM sporting event. We went and saw them play football again Miami Ohio on saturday. The game was a bit of a blow out, but it was pretty amazing to sit in a crowd of 110,000 people. Took an hour to get through traffic to get home... the normal drive is about 12 minutes. Utterly insane. I need to take better advantage of living where I do... I went to see the Tigers lose a few weeks ago and had a great time. I'm not huge into sports... but there's something about going to the spectacle that is sports when it's on this giant of a scale. I need to see a Red Wings game, and a UofM Basketball game I think.

This discussion was created by CmdrTaco (1) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Politics, Vacation, UofM Football

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  • I say why not? People talk politics on slashdot, so a section for politics makes sense to me.

    (p.s. GO BLUE!)

"It ain't over until it's over." -- Casey Stengel
