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Journal Fus's Journal: A Compaq Deskpro

I have a little Compaq Deskpro that started life as a Point-of-Sale computer. It has been handed down and down until it reached me.

Daring as I am, I decide 'What the hell, I'll throw Linux on it!' Little did I know that all 6 distros that I try, failed. I tried Red Hat Fedora Cores 1 & 3, Knoppix 3.3 (which gives me "unknown bus" failures on load), Mandrake 10, Debian 2004.2 and Gentoo 2004.2.

I really though I had it on Gentoo. I really did. Those guys have perfect documentation. And yet, I would get a buggy error that says I have an invalid character in line 6 in a 5 line script! WTF?!

It saddens me because it just doesnt like any OS I throw at it except for Windows 2000.

Perhaps I'll go download and burn a *BSD distro now.

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A Compaq Deskpro

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Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
