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Journal Kris_J's Journal: Finished B5, and hey, more Gmail invites 1

I finished Babylon 5 season five late last week. Quite enjoyable, though the last episode was pretty pointless. Now I've just got a few movies if I want to check them out.

I've got six more Gmail invites. If you're interested and you don't already have a Gmail account find my email address on my homepage and send me a message. I'll post replies as the invites are used up.

This discussion was created by Kris_J (10111) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Finished B5, and hey, more Gmail invites

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  • Indeed, Babylon 5 is a great show -- I own all the box sets and watch them obsessively. I will agree that the last half of Season 5 is sort of a long spiral into depression, and the last episode is just very difficult to get through. I had to go back a couple seasons and watch something else to cheer myself up after that.

fortune: cpu time/usefulness ratio too high -- core dumped.
