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Journal OldHawk777's Journal: Predictions/Observations for US Futures, just WAG stuff

Current (/.) Prediction 2004/08/27 R-Convention NYC
____ Gay relation-ship supporter and embarrassing "Vice" President Dick (Haliburton) Chaney will not be selected to run, due to R-platform differences (coincidently recently restated again, for US UN EU, in the setup news story/conference).
____ Okay, I was wrong, but I still expect a faked heart attack, Wild Dick Chaney wants to help George get John McCain on the 2004 Republican ticket in time to make a difference, in the outcome of the election.
____ Recently PR-Bush (USANG Draft Dodger George) asked Senator John McCain to get to the bottom of the 527-campaign ads and sue for liable if possible (NOT!).
____ Gosh; John McCain, would make a real good VP candidate for the R-party, and cure a few election potential problems, because we all know "John McCain" is more electable then either DemRep President options.

To dang bad we can't bet on USA President stuff, maybe VP stuff is okay what's the legal (I wonder)?

Prior (/.) Prediction 2003/07/19 on Social Security
____ US Citizens will pay in the future (our children, grandchildren, ...), financial responsibility is a thing of the past, and social security is always secure, because the government can maintain benefits for the wealthy today, and increase the social security retirement age until the right number of US Citizens die and never collect any benefits (old folks don't have many dependents). US, EU, and UN Citizens are becoming the whores of the wealthy fucked now, beaten later, and screwed to death.
Now 2004/08/27, looks like FRC Greenspan agrees, just in time for the R-Convention.

Another 2004/08/27 Futures WAG
____ Social Security and Medicare will be maintained for many additional (10-20) years, by a large influx of low-wage illegal aliens and immigrants currently being promised employment and retirement benefits. At retirement US politicians' skulduggery will reasonably reject all OCONUS (outside US) or illegal aliens claims for benefits.
____ It will keep the US born sheep placidly grazing, least ways untill US Boomers are dead and gone. Then George Bush IV will be elected the Christian Potentate for life to save US.


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Predictions/Observations for US Futures, just WAG stuff

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