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Journal M. Silver's Journal: Something old, something new

Momentum is key in journaling, too.

I have the annoying tendency to get caught up in a one-time/catch-up/longterm project (cleaning/rearranging a storage area, etc.) and neglecting the everyday stuff, then having to catch up on the everyday stuff and getting the feeling I'm not making any progress.

So I've started trying to get something everyday done every, um, day, and also something one-time. Yesterday was cleaning-lady day, so we did the usual clean-n-mop the living room and bathroom stuff, then we tackled my son's closet. When this was the spare-bedroom closet, I put shelves in it (those bracket-on-the-wall sorts) and we used it as book storage. The two shelves over the rod are boardgame storage (my husband is a game nut), and still are, but I finally got the last of the books off the shelves, since my son's toys are overflowing his playroom.

In a few weeks when he goes to school, I'm going to clean the basement out and use the closet down there to store some of his toys... we're finally getting family to cut down on the toy-giving so we're not so overwhelmed, and this year I'm going to encourage them to give things to his school. In the meantime, he has three three-shelf units in his playroom plus a whole closet, all full of toys. The really hard part is the giant toys... big Hot Wheels track thingies, the Playmobil pirate ship and island, etc.

Anyway, today I'm doing laundry (everyday), and I think, in keeping with that theme, I'll figure out what to do with the random boxes of old clothes in (and spilling out of) the bedroom closet. Not to mention the extra closet rod that's stretched over the doors holding all the "too decent to throw in a Goodwill bag" clothes I have.

This afternoon's a dentist appointment for my son (his first), and then a haircut appointment for me, plus I need to go by the butcher (since yesterday they were out of pork tenderloin!) and maybe the grocery or Braum's (since we're out of milk), so that'll kill most of my afternoon.

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Something old, something new

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