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Journal dragoncortez's Journal: Lunch Group

I thought I'd try cross-posting something from my site. Some people found this humorous, heaven help them.

Having never worked in an office environment before, I have no way to judge the level of Nerdliness that permeates the group here. I do know that if we were put in charge of the world, things would be run very differently. I'm not saying we'd solve all the world's problems, but we could probably create a whole bunch of new ones. While our company is not particularly large, it's very clear where the lines of group chemistry fall. Johnny Elbows, Sideshow, Radar, Mother, Uncle Walt, and I (the Angry Man a.k.a. the Mad Giggler) are a very close-knit group. If one member doesn't make it into work, it throws off the whole balance for the day. Today is shaping up to be frighteningly unbalanced, since three of the guys are yet to make it in. My penchant for following tangents to their illogical conclusions will get me into trouble someday.

Balance issues aside, we have a tradition of eating lunch together. I'm not sure when it started exactly, because I used to have a lunch group with people from my ward. The less said about that the better, but at some point, the idea must have carried over to the Crazy Guys group. No one actually calls us that, I just made it up on the spot. Mental note: bring up naming our group at lunch today. On a side note, we did actually come up with an idea for a comic book where each of us had special powers, but I don't think we'd given our team of superheroes a name.

Anyway, each day about 11:30, somebody mentions that they're hungry. Depending on the proximity of payday, the conversation that ensues varies between two responses: "Well, where do you want to eat?" and "Let's all go downstairs and make sandwiches." The first response generally results in a trip to the mall. In either case, once the food is before us, the magic begins.

Sometimes it's a joke of very poor taste, other times it's the latest act of clumsiness, and there are even occasions where current events give it life, but each day the world-altering conversation starts to flow.
"Man! when are you guys going to see Napoleon Dynamite?!? I keep quoting it, but no one understands what I'm talking about! Gosh!"
"You would not believe the girls I met last night. I thought my jaw would have a major bruise the way it hit the floor."
"When are you going to finish your story? Three episodes a day just doesn't cut it."
"Dude, the Pats are going all the way, the Rams just don't have what it takes."
"The XSLT ribbon cable doesn't interface properly with the USB cooling fan and the CSS port." "HAHAHAHA!"
"The Simpsons is an amoral show." "No it's not, you're amoral." "What kind of ad hominem argument is that?" "You're an ad hominem."

I could go on, but I don't think it's necessary. Just reading through that tells me there are very few lunch groups more Nerdly than ours. If you know of one, let me know, so we can have a back-alley brawl, hopefully with the guys from PBS involved...

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Lunch Group

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