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Star Wars Prequels

Journal pagsz's Journal: Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones

So, yesterday I went out and saw Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones. A big improvement over Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace, but not as good as Spider-Man (which to be honest, doesn't mean much, as Spider-Man is absolutely incredible)

I'm not really going to do much of a review, I'm just going to go into some of the things that struck me about the movie:

  • Anakin's "Dark Side:" There are a few times in the movie where the anger building in Anakin come through really well. There are other times where he comes off as whiny. Overall, it works well though. You can see the struggle in him, between his duties in the Jedi Order to what he really wants; between responsibility and raw passion.
  • Clone Army, aka Storm Troopers: It's interesting to see the origins of the Storm Troopers from the original trilogy. It's also odd to see them fighting alongside the Jedi. The scenes with Yoda and other Jedi commanding the clone troops are odd, knowing what comes later.
  • The Jedi: It's just plain cool to see a big Jedi battle. Mmmmm . . . lightsabers. And it's also very cool to see Yoda in a fight scene. Pretty spry for 870 years old.
  • Jango and Boba Fett: So, Boba's a clone of his pop.
  • Jar Jar Binks: He wasn't annoying in this movie, but I cringed by reflex the first time I saw him. It is appropriate, I guess, that it is Jar Jar who gullibly kick starts the whole process (by giving Palpatine emergency powers).
  • Senator Amidala: Wow!
  • Death Star: Seemed a bit contrived to me; what being about twenty years before Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope and all. Oh, well, maybe it took a while to bid out the contractors. You know how governments are . . .


Well, that's about all I want to say about Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Now, some thoughts about Star Wars: Episode III (as of yet unnamed):

  • Fight scenes: Seems to me that Episode III will have some kick-ass fight scenes in it. In Episode III, we'll get to see Anakin and Obi-Wan fight (which I heard somewhere takes place over a volcano). That should make for one awesome sequence. Also, Anakin will probably fight Count Dooku. He'll have to knock off Dooku to become Palpatine's new apprentice, and it will probably be the sequence in which he turns completely to the dark side. Again, a good fight sequence.
  • The return of Vader: With Anakin turning to the dark side, it'll be time for the return (or rather, introduction) of the famous suit from the original trilogy. James Earl Jones to the rescue!
  • The Empire: Probably going to see a decent amount of space battles, as the Galactic Republic becomes the Galactic Empire. Crushing the separatists, and establishing control over the Galaxy. Could be some big ass space battles.
  • The Dark Side: Episode III should be the darkest of the new trilogy. The dark side will be coming out in full force this time. No longer hiding in the shadows, manipulating in the background, the dark side just comes right out and kicks ass. Chancellor Palpatine / Darth Sidius becomes Emperor Palaptine, and kills a few people (a few Jedi, too).
  • Luke and Leia: May make an appearance as infants in Episode III. Probably a brief appearance, just long enough to be introduced and then sent their respective ways.
  • I gotta wait three years for Episode III?!?! Goddamn it! Where's a time machine when you need one? I'm already pretty excited about Episode III, because of the kick-ass possibilities listed above. Episode III should be awesome. It should, hands down, be the best of the prequel trilogy, and hopefully will give Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back a run for its money. I think it'll be that good.


I also saw, here on Slashdot, that there's a possibility of a third trilogy (Episodes VII - IX). Thoughts about the third trilogy:

  • Major points: The third trilogy would probably center around the recreation of the Galactic Republic. It would also likely include the rebuilding of the Jedi Order, possibly with Luke returning as an old Jedi Master, heading and training the new Jedi. Thus, Luke could fully realize the prophecy of restoring balance to the force. Leia could possibly be the first Chancellor of the restored Republic.
  • Villains: The villains of Episodes VII - IX would likely be the remnants of the Empire. The power structure of the Empire would likely fight the recreation of the Republic. Perhaps there will be a new Sith Lord, hoping to prevent the recreation of the Jedi Order (makes sense).
  • Timeline: Obviously, most of the stars of Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi would return (perhaps for small roles, but certainly needed). Thus, the trilogy would have to be set at least twenty years after Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, the actors are getting old. Thus the mention of Luke as a Jedi Master, the head of the new Jedi Order; and Leia as Chancellor of the Republic.

Well, that's enough Star Wars for now. I need to get going.

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Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones

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