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Journal JVert's Journal: Return of the dual screen LCD or CRT? 5

I've found it very difficult to modivate myself to do some heads down work. Maybe its the people that call in for support and the list of things that I have to do that are piling up. They arn't super high priority stuff though so I can't really take the time to get it off my plate but it bothers me knowing how much there is to do. Maybe its because my pregnant sister in law has been living with us the past 6 months. She gave birth yesterday and will be getting her ass up to alaska via plane next month. I think this peridontitis is stressing me out, i'm not sure I would have to think about it to be sure. But I'm damn sure thinking about it stressess me out. Man I need a vacation. Vegas... Rio bufffet with sushi and lobster. Oh I could almost just leave tonight...

But one thing i've been determined this week is to buy another monitor. I had dual screens before I had my office but I gave up a display as I moved from a laptop. I'm going to buy one for work but I have a 15" smart display at home that came from work, so I have no problem footing the bill to go dual screen. I could do it now, we have another 15" lcd around here, I just need to swap a video card with one I have at home (another work provided system, dont ever let me complain about my job, we are a small company, the size of a white picket fence family and as loving as newlyweds) but the monitor is not the best quality and creating graphics matter as much as writing right now. I'm pricing on right now and am comparing a 21" CRT to a 17" LCD.
does anyone know if Fry's has the same products & prices as does? I know they stated they did not earlier but I can't find that anymore.

I'm probably going to get the 21 because of the flexibility of resolutions, jumping down to 800x600 to match the displays i'm working on and being able to see any flaws on such a large screen sounds enticing. But I have this 17" CRT that I could conceivably do that with now.

Dot pitch is better on the CRT as well. But what does that mean? Does it imply more pixels per square inch? If so does the monitor have a higher pixel count then the LCD? I'm assuming the CRT has exactly 1280x1024 pixels avalable just like the LCD because thats the optimal resolution listed for the CRT... It doesn't really have 1600x1200 pixels does it? Am I way off in comparing my apple to orange comparison? I renember the day when all you had to worry about was getting a de-interlaced monitor (or was that interlaced?)

Also any ideas one how to actually shop for a monitor? All stores that I know of split their signal across a rack of monitors if they are plugged in at all. "Oww I like the degridation on this screen! lets get this one!" I can't belive manufacturers let them get away with it.

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Return of the dual screen LCD or CRT?

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  • I have a 21" CRT at home, and two 19" CRTs at work. I normally run the 21" at 1600x1200, and it is very readable at that resolution (normally from a three to four foot distance, but YMMV). I suppose that you could determine the native resolution of a CRT by looking at the dot pitch, but I've never tried it. My experience has been that CRTs handle non-native resolutions better than LCDs. That's limited to a couple of instances, though. To figure out how a particular resolution looks on a CRT, you really
  • Just a little work on procedures can gain you more productivity than another monitor. Don't waste your money when you can change small things about the way you work.
    • You again?
      As an update I did get another monitor. 22" for $150. How? well its an old compaq, but the colors hold up very well over the years. Its very VERY heavy, I to like think they dont make them like they used to and it thats why the screen is holding up so well. My 17" has a little better contrast but much not nearly as clear as the big one. In all 85hz is alot better to read in.

      But I can't belive I can get as efficient with one monitor vs 2. I'm starting to really feel like myself again where I can c

Physician: One upon whom we set our hopes when ill and our dogs when well. -- Ambrose Bierce
