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Journal pagsz's Journal: NBA Playoff Update

Conference Semi-Final Results:

Eastern Conference:

  • New Jersey Nets def. Charlotte Hornets; 4 - 1
  • Boston Celtics def. Detroit Pistons; 4 - 1 (Woo-hoo!!)

Western Conference:

  • Sacramento Kings def. Dallas Mavericks; 4 - 1
  • Los Angeles Lakers def. San Antonio Spurs; 4 - 1

Conference Final Match-ups:

Eastern Conference:

  • Boston Celtics vs. New Jersey Nets

Western Conference:

  • Los Angeles Lakers vs. Sacramento Kings

bold: Team with home court advantage
italics: Team that I'm rootin' for

So that's the playoff breakdown. It's cool to see the Celtics back in the Eastern Conference finals (first time since 1988). The Nets on the other hand, have never been before.

I wouldn't mind seeing a Lakers-Celtics match-up in the finals (wouldn't that be cool), but I can't bring myself to root for the Lakers.

Go Celtics!!

--Pagsz, World's Smartest Moron

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NBA Playoff Update

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