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Journal M. Silver's Journal: Progress, then no progress


It's really not all that much progress, but it makes a big improvement. I cleaned out three drawers in my son's chest of drawers, then put away all his winter clothes... he has a total of five drawers full of winter clothes, including two in the dresser. That's just out of control for a four-year-old, so I'll have to thin them quite a bit. Grandma gets carried away at garage sales.

Then I cleaned up the rest of his room, and did things like laying the model rockets down on their sides so they don't cast scary shadows on the ceiling. I'm not sure if all that helped, but he spent the whole night in his own room so maybe it did.

Then we gutted the medicine cabinet(s) and they're nice and empty now. My bathroom junky drawer's next. I have two big cardboard boxes full of stuff to give away, and a full trash cart.

Now, to make up for that progress, I'm going to visit Mom for a week. At least I can take sewing projects and not feel guilty about working on them instead of working on the house. Hopefully I can knock out the dozen or so scrub tops I've acquired fabric for, and maybe a teddy bear to actually sell.

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Progress, then no progress

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