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Journal M. Silver's Journal: Another lunchtime update

Nearly all of the running-around objectives were achieved... the dog's had her allergy shot, so hopefully she'll stop trying to gnaw her legs off, then we made a quick stop at the meat shop to pick up a roast and a chicken, dropped dog, roast, and chicken off at home, then turned around and went grocery shopping, where we got everything we were after except a rack for the linen closet door (it's under 15 inches and all the over-door shelves they have are around 17). Van's going in tomorrow afternoon, after I drop the cleaning lady off.

So that's all accomplished, and I'm going to drop the chicken in to cook (for chicken and dumplings later in the week), run some laundry, and get the bedrooms ready for vacuuming/carpet cleaning. If I get ahead of all that, I'm going to clean out the medicine cabinet (we have one of those monster three-way mirrors with cabinet behind all of it, and there's about 20 years' worth of accumulated perfumes (I don't use perfume), aftershaves (my husband wears a full beard), body washes (see "perfume" above) and various hair care products; we've only recently convinced family to stop giving us the junk).

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Another lunchtime update

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