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Journal Kent Brewster's Journal: Stained Glass: a new take on a classic puzzle game.

Stained Glass is a game I invented while the rocks were still cooling in 1987. It was ported to the Macintosh by my good friend Nick Schlott, who then created Tesserae, a commercial game that was picked up by InLine Design a couple of years later.

Others have done versions of Stained Glass and Tesserae, which tickles me pink. A quick Google search found a Palm Pilot version you can play on the go, and a BYOND-enhanced version so you can play in front of an audience. I've also heard from college students who say their professors are asking them to implement Stained Glass in various languages; the best one I've seen had translucent floaty 3-D graphics and a thumping techno soundtrack. (If you find yourself doing this for classroom credit I'd really like to see what you came up with; ego strokes just don't get any better than that.)

Recently I've pulled together a JavaScript version, so anyone with a browser released since the turn of the century should be able to play online without further ado. If you've tried my JavaScript version and it won't work on your browser, all is not lost. The original Tesserae and Stained Glass are also available--sorry, PC formats only--at my personal site on

If you like it, all I ask is that you tell me so. Hit the Instructions link and you'll wind up in a place where you can leave feedback.

"Most people would like to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch." -- Robert Orben
