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Journal WolfElvendar's Journal: Clean your own room first! 1

It happened, I just couldn't believe it did.

I was at a friend's house the other day. We had actually just finished with a group meditation thing when we noticed flashing lights outside, so naturally we went outside to look. He lives next to a convenience store and there were two police cars and an ambulance there. We looked long enough to see what was there and say "I wonder what happened" and started to walk back towards the house... And then it happened. I woman came around the corner in her car, rolled down her window, looked at us, and yelled at us' "Stop being so damn nosy and get your ass back in your house!" I couldn't help myself. Before I could stop myself, I hollered back' "Hello kettle, Let me introduce myself, I'm the pot, and by the way your black." Did I mention she slowed way down to yell at us? It's rare to see a well grounded 60 year old man laughing so hard he can't stand up, but that is about what my friend did.

It wasn't just her though. She was a good example of what we all seem to do. It is so much easier to point out other's faults then it is to take a good honest look at ourselves. I know I don't like to look at myself that close, because I always find things that REALLY need to change. For example, I curse too much, I get angry quickly (I know it's shocking,) I have trouble setting goals and then striving for them, mainly because I get lazy. I like to play and not work too much. Now, can I fix that all in one day... Um, I wish. It's not fun to see how much work I have to do on myself, after all I'm lazy anyway, right ;)

I have been working on myself for a while now, not to be so hasty in judging others so quick though. I may not have spouted it off like that woman did, but I used to judge just as fast. I try not to. Most people that know me well say that I am much more diplomatic than they could ever be. Yea, well it started with me having a sore tongue all the time (from biting it, if ya didn't get the joke.) We all want to improve, and get better. It is one of the main reasons to keep living. We should all start with ourselves though I think. I will try to start with me.

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Clean your own room first!

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  • Humanity syndrome. We're all better than our fellow man.

    The irony in slowing down to yell at someone for being nosy is too sweet....

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Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
