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Journal JohnnyComeLately's Journal: In the Air Force, we're told to "Re-Blue"

Commissioned and Non-commissioned officers in the Air Force are encouraged during Professional Military Education to "Re-Blue". Re-Blue'ing means to stop your daily activities, or what have you, and reflect on why you wear a uniform. More specifically, ask, "What does wearing this uniform mean to ME?"

It's an introspective time to analyze your priorities, thoughts, activities, and see how they align with your core values. The Air Force's core values (recently, badly misquoted on a Discovery or other TV show I was barely watching) are Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All You Do.

I won't bore you with the details, but here is the life of a Marine that not only "Re-Blued" me, but gave pause to everything I value in life. There is a commercial, it may have been the Army or Navy, which asked the question, "Would someone make a movie about your job, and if so would you watch it?" If you take the time to read his entire account of military service and civilian life, you will not be disappointed. Resist the urge to skim. Read the whole thing, and don't skip the civilian life afterwards. I think you'll find it to be a very rewarding read.

Lately I seem to like to end my postings or journal entries with a parting thought. Here is one of many statements made that really cut to the essence of armed conflict and the tough choices to be made.

Today one hears men with their revisionist speeches, trying to say the bomb was never necessary, that Japan would have surrendered anyway. To them I would ask; "How many battles did you fight with the Japanese. How many men have you seen die? How many men and women have you seen raped and tortured in a manner that even the German's found repulsive. How did you become an expert when you weren't even born when this happened. How many thousands of Americans would you have been willing to sacrifice, simply to find out if the Japanese would have surrendered without the bomb. I say to you, before you attemp to judge the man who actually had that awsome responsibility, please engage your brain before opening your mouth. (Source of Original Quote)

Thanks for reading,

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In the Air Force, we're told to "Re-Blue"

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"When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest." -- Bullwinkle Moose
