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Journal Mr. No Skills's Journal: Meta-Meta Moderation

Since Slashdot doesn't really have a mechanism for protesting moderation and meta-moderation voting, I've taken to writing a note in the journal for my permanent record.

I had a moderation I made voted "unfair" during the meta-moderation process, and this really doesn't seem like an informed vote. The subject in question was a Wired article on producting fuel from tar pits in Canada (see this). In the discussion, a huge thread developed over the merits (or lack of) in Michael Moore's Farenheit 911. I moderated this as "off-topic", because it had nothing to do with the parent discussion. This was meta-moderated as "unfair".

Now, maybe I missed something in the context of the thread that in Moore's movie there was a large amount of discussion of Canadian tar pits. And maybe I'm just over-reacting to being meta-moderated by a rabid Michael Moore fan. But, I would have thought that this was a "fair" moderation.

Anyway, the "unfair" vote seems somewhat unfair...

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Meta-Meta Moderation

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