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Journal Orion Blastar's Journal: Abuse of moderation points 1

I cannot help but see that there is someone with a vendetta against me on Slashdot. They have conspired with a few others to mod down my posts on Slashdot. I was told by one of them, that they modded down my post because I posted about Linux. Someone in an OSX story posted about Linux OSS apps being second rate, and I responded to it, and yet which the parent was rated as insightful and my post was rated as flamebait?

Excuse me? Now if both posts were rated as flamebait, I wouldn't complain. If my post is going to be rated as flamebait because I replied to someone who called Linux Apps second rate is rated as insightful, then there is something seriously wrong with the moderaton done at Slashdot.

My past record stands clear, I have an excellent karma, I am a metamoderator and sometimes I get moderation points. I do my best to be fair and I don't carry on vendettas. I call it right down the middle, even if someone posts about a point of view I may not agree with, I do not mark it as flamebait if it is not flamebait.

I humbly request that other moderators call it right down the middle as well.

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Abuse of moderation points

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