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Journal pagsz's Journal: Ramblings of an Idiot (5th Installment)

Got a little bit of time this morning, and have some ideas I want "written down." So, here I go:
  • Spider-Man sequels. I saw a mention of this in the discussion of CmdrTaco's review of Spider-Man. Venom was mentioned. While Venom would make for a great movie villain, he couldn't appear until Spider-Man 3 at the earliest. Spider-Man 2 would set up Spider-Man 3 by including the alien suit. In addition, you would have one of Spidey's villains making merry. It would make a great plot-line, watching Spidey dealing with both the alien suit and the villain (let's say, for the "sake of argument," Doc Oc. There could be a scene where he comes to the brink of killing him, and has to hold himself back from the suit's influence. Perhaps a minor villain would be more appropriate, giving more time and credence to the alien suit angle. It would be a little difficult to set up, but it should make for an excellent Spider-Man 2, and then a great Spider-Man 3 featuring Venom as the villain. That would make for one kick-ass Spider-Man trilogy.
  • Got a job at Wal-Mart this week. Need money. Must . . . work! Oh, well, I've held out this long, I guess I gotta buckle down and join the workforce (shudder).
  • Had a little trouble with my car yesterday. Overheated on my way to get gas. Radiator was almost empty, and the fan belt is going. Man, I gotta pay attention to these things. Anyway, my car is out of commission for the day.
  • I never thought I'd say this about a man of God, but Bernard Cardinal Law (of Boston) is one slimy bastard. Refusing to step down, after years of complicity. Acting like he's part of the solution, when he was the problem for years. Blaming the victims (his defense in court). What an ass.
  • How 'bout those mailbox pipe-bombs? Just heard someone was arrested on it (just now on MSNBC). 21-year old, a student at U. of Wisconsin. Arrested in Nevada.
  • Two more suicide bombings in Israel yesterday. One killed 16, the other went off early and hurt only the bomber (so I've heard). Sharon is headed back to Israel early. Looks like Arafat may be expelled from the West Bank, and / or the Gaza strip will be invaded. Plus, there was a suicide bombing outside a hotel in Pakistan. Pakistan. Ay caramba! Will this madness ever end?

Well, that's all I have time for right now. My half-hour is up. Gotta go take a shower, get ready for my first class at 10:00. I said pretty much everything I want to say, so see you later.

--Pagsz, World's Smartest Moron

Update: 11:52 AM -- Friday May 10 2002

About Luke Helder, the mailbox pipe-bomber. He has already admitted to placing the bombs, and from what I've heard, he was trying to make a smiley-face pattern with the bombs. That's why you had the two circles in Iowa and Nebraska (the eyes). He was just starting on the smile when he got caught. Weird stuff, to be sure.

--Pagsz, World's Smartest Moron

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Ramblings of an Idiot (5th Installment)

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"I prefer the blunted cudgels of the followers of the Serpent God." -- Sean Doran the Younger
