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Journal sowth's Journal: Sashdot's login system sucks 2

The public terminal login setting sucks. I can't even log in and go to /my/amigos. My amigos gives me a login box, which takes me to the front page. I'm considered logged out as soon as I log in.

I understand why they would have a quick expiration time for public terminals, but this is rediculous. Wouldn't 15 minutes (or 30) make more sense?

This discussion was created by sowth (748135) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Sashdot's login system sucks

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  • I never use public terminals. Well, mostly because I only know a few and I'm usually "wired" anyway. I still use the "Public Terminal" setting for one reason: when I'm not on my own computer. I'm over at a friends place I will check it.

    The expiration time is on the low side, but it's good for people like me who always forget to log out.

    • Yeah, but it's useless. Today I logged in, I saw I had some messages, so I clicked the link, and I was already logged out. It's like a 0 second delay. I had to log in without the setting just to check my messages. What good is it if you can't access any of the user specific stuff?

The solution of this problem is trivial and is left as an exercise for the reader.
