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Journal pagsz's Journal: Ramblings of an Idiot (4th Installment)

Hmmmm . . . two Ramblings of an Idiot installments in a row? Something must be wrong with me . . .
  • Semester's winding down. Only two weeks of classes left, and then finals (Gaaaaaah!). Then a summer of fun, frolic, and other such nonsense. Ah, to be young (and stupid).
  • Made a decision regarding Slashdot subscriptions. As George H.W. Bush once said: "Naa gonna do it." To be perfectly honest, the ads don't bother me. They aren't intrusive, and aren't all flashy, and aren't so ugly as to make me puke. In short, I can live with them.
  • How 'bout the stuff going on in the Catholic Church? Hoo boy, they in a crapload of trouble. The biggest problem with the CC that I see (as a non-Catholic) is the "traditional" nature of the church. It is very much still a medieval institution: secretive, strictly hierarchical, and dogmatic. It seems to me that the church needs to make a distinction between traditions and anachronisms. Celibate priests, male-only clergy, and the secretive, protective nature of the clergy are practices that seem to me to be squarely in the second category. But, then, that's just my opinion. What do I know?
  • Watched Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi on Fox last night. Goddamn commercials! I hate thee so! Oh, well, I'll just buy the trilogy.
  • Speaking of commercials, was quote by Turner's CEO ridiculous or what? That you are somehow contractually obligated to watch commercials, and using a PVR that skips them is stealing? Have you ever heard something so ridiculous. As Mike Tyson once said "This is ludicrous." What a load of bull. Such is the corporate world . . .
  • "Wasted away in Margaritaville; searching for my lost shaker of salt"
  • I was going to do a May Day post (on May 1st, for those who don't know), but I don't really know enough about it to put together anything of consequence (I could have researched it a little, but there's TV to watch! Ah, maybe next year).
  • I mentioned in the last Ramblings of an Idiot installment that I may only see one movie (in a theater) this year (Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones). Forgot about Spider-Man. Gotta see that too. These are two movies that have to be seen in a theater. Other summer movies are that way too, but most of them are crap I'm not interested in.
  • How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
    As much wood as a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood
    Obvious, really.
  • Thank God it's Friday. Really looking forward to the weekend. Just feel like kicking back and relaxing. Just three more hours on campus (as of this sentence, 12:04:15 Post-Meridian), and then my weekend begins. As Homer Simpson once said: "Woo-hoo!"
  • So, you're probably wondering, what's with all the pointless quotes? That's just the mood I'm in. Get used to it.
  • Might as well mention The X-Files. Only three (?) episodes left now. I didn't really watch the beginning of this season, I had started to lose interest in the series late in Season 8. Well, I'm watching again . . . "I try to get out, but they keep pulling me back in" (Don't remember where that one comes from. I'm sure it's from one of Al Pacino's movies, but I can't remember which one. Could it be from one of the Godfather movies? I don't remember hearing it, but then again I never saw The Godfather, Part III). Anyway, it'll probably be the last three times I watch The X-Files. I never really liked watching it in reruns, and after these last three, that's all there will be.
  • Speaking of Fox shows, it looks like The Simpsons will wrap up soon. It's lost a little bit lately, but that's to be expected. You can't keep a show at the level The Simpsons hit forever. There have been some hints dropped into a couple of the episodes this season, so it seems that Season 12 will be the last. Maybe with The Simpsons out of the way, Futurama will get its chance. Yeah, right. As if the execs at Fox would think that clearly ("No Simpsons? How about When Goldfish Attack?").
  • Hombre, necesito pensar en una manera mejor de matar a tiempo. . .
  • So, how 'bout the NBA playoffs? Good game last night between the Indiana Pacers and the New Jersey Nets. Could not believe that Reggie Miller hit that three at the buzzer (actually, after, but . . .). Double overtime. Nets move on.

    First Round Results (as of 1:00 PM, May 3, 2002):

    Eastern Conference:
    • New Jersey Nets def. Indiana Pacers; 3 - 2
    • Detroit Pistons def. Toronto Raptors; 3 - 2
    • Boston Celtics vs. Philadelphia 76ers; 2 - 2
    • Charlotte Hornets def. Orlando Magic; 3 - 1

    Western Conference:

    • Sacramento Kings def. Utah Jazz, 3 - 1
    • San Antonio Spurs vs. Seattle Sonics; 2 - 2
    • Los Angeles Lakers def. Portland Trail Blazers; 3 - 0
    • Dallas Mavericks def. Minnesota Timberwolves; 3 - 0

    Conference Semi-Final Match-ups:

    Eastern Conference:

    • Charlotte Hornets vs. New Jersey Nets
    • Boston Celtics or Philadelphia 76ers vs. Detroit Pistons

    Western Conference:

    • Dallas Mavericks vs. Sacramento Kings
    • San Antonio Spurs or Seattle Supersonics vs. Los Angeles Lakers

    Original Seeding:

    Eastern Conference:

    1. New Jersey Nets
    2. Detroit Pistons
    3. Boston Celtics
    4. Charlotte Hornets
    5. Orlando Magic
    6. Philadelphia 76ers
    7. Toronto Raptors
    8. Indiana Pacers

    Western Conference:

    1. Sacramento Kings
    2. San Antonio Spurs
    3. Los Angeles Lakers
    4. Dallas Mavericks
    5. Minnesota Timberwolves
    6. Portland Trail Blazers
    7. Seattle Supersonics
    8. Utah Jazz
  • One complaint with the NBA playoffs: the length of the first round is just ridiculous. It'll take thirteen days to complete. Thirteen. The Winter Olympics took sixteen. All to stretch out that TV dollar.
  • On to the NHL . . .

    First Round Results:

    Eastern Confernece:
    • Montreal Canadiens def. Boston Bruins; 4 - 2 (Damn!)
    • Ottawa Senators def. Philadelphia Flyers; 4 - 1
    • Carolina Hurricanes def. New Jersey Devils; 4 - 2
    • Toronto Maple Leafs def. New York Islanders; 4 - 3

    Western Conference:

    • Detroit Red Wings def. Vancouver Canucks, 4 - 2
    • Colorado Avalanche def. Los Angeles Kings; 4 - 3
    • San Jose Sharks def. Phoenix Coyotes; 4 - 1
    • St. Louis Blues def. Chicago Blackhawks; 4 - 1

    Conference Semi-Final Match-ups:

    Eastern Conference:

    • Montreal Canadiens vs. Carolina Hurricanes
    • Ottawa Senators vs. Toronto Maple Leafs;

    Western Conference:

    • St. Louis Blues vs. Detroit Red Wings
    • San Jose Sharks vs. Colorado Avalanche

    Original Seeding:

    Eastern Conference:

    1. Boston Bruins
    2. Philadelphia Flyers
    3. Carolina Hurricanes
    4. Toronto Maple Leafs
    5. New York Islanders
    6. New Jersey Devils
    7. Ottawa Senators
    8. Montreal Canadiens

    Western Conference:

    1. Detroit Red Wings
    2. Colorado Avalanche
    3. San Jose Sharks
    4. St. Louis Blues
    5. Chicago Blackhawks
    6. Phoenix Coyotes
    7. Los Angeles Kings
    8. Vancouver Canucks
  • Don't like sports? I don't care! Its my journal and I'll post what I want to . . .

Well, that's it for this installment of Ramblings of an Idiot (I've accomplished my purpose, I've killed enough time to get to my last class of the day). See you later!

--Pagsz, World's Smartest Moron

Update: 09:21 AM -- Saturday May 04 2002

Friday's NBA Playoffs Results:

  • Boston Celtics def Philadelphia 76ers, 120 - 87; win series 3 - 2.
  • San Antonio Spurs def. Seattle Supersonics 101 - 78; win series 3 - 2.

Completed Conference Semi-Final Match-ups:

Eastern Conference:

  • Charlotte Hornets vs. New Jersey Nets
  • Boston Celtics vs. Detroit Pistons

Western Conference:

  • Dallas Mavericks vs. Sacremento Kings
  • Los Angeles Lakers vs. San Antonio Spurs

Enjoy the Conference Semi-Finals. Go Celtics!

--Pagsz, World's Smartest Moron

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Ramblings of an Idiot (4th Installment)

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Q: How many IBM CPU's does it take to execute a job? A: Four; three to hold it down, and one to rip its head off.
