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Journal metlin's Journal: Stupid fat-obsessed people 6

I guess this entry has been inspired by the mad_poster.

So I was at this fast food the other day, and I noticed a bunch of people come by, and order extra-large burgers with generous amounts of cheese. They'd take a large pack of fries, and a cheese dip.

And then, they'd order diet coke.

Whoa!? What's the *bloody* point!?

And this is not the first time that I've noticed this. It's so ridiculous!

On a related note, we had gone rock-climbing to a well known place around Los Alamos called White Rocks. A friend of mine was like, you know this is good exercise, it'll keep us all thin and nice. I still wonder how people are obese.

Well, the problem is, the people who NEED to do this kind of stuff do not. They're sitting at home eating McD large fries with coke and watching the millionth re-run of a reality show comfortably lazed on their couch.

Go ahead, flame me. But obesity is a problem only because of really bad habits -- not just food habits but even ones related to lifestyle.

Kids these days play videogames, how many go out and play a good game of soccer? Or how many are taught good martial arts? Oh no! My kid is wearing glasses, he will get hurt. Bullshit. I wore glasses as a kid, I was weak, I was a nerd. But that did not stop my parents from making sure I got out and played everyday. And guess what? It's done me a lot of good.

And to make it worse, those that live in the cities hardly ever get out to go and play. Atlanta hardly has any places where you can really go out and play outdoor sports a lot. On the other hand, I look at Los Alamos -- it's a small nice little town, with so much of open-space. And it's nice, because I do not see cooped up 12 year olds playing video games and getting drunk. Instead, I see them going out and playing soccer and baseball.

What's wrong with people? Obesity is not that big a problem if you understand it. But if you did understand it and did nothing about it, it's bloody criminal.

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Stupid fat-obsessed people

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  • Perhaps they like it for how it tastes? I know a guy who's pretty fit but likes Diet Coke for the taste (sweeter than the Coke Classic) and is under no illusions about what it'll do for him on a calorific level. Interestingly, in traditionally sweet-toothed India, Coke Classic tastes quite unlike Coke Classic in Europe -- much sweeter for one.

    Interesting related link: The cult of Diet Coke [].
  • First off, let me say that I mostly agree with you. I have a few nitpicks that are not really related to your main theme.

    On a related note, we had gone rock-climbing to a well known place around Los Alamos called White Rocks. A friend of mine was like, you know this is good exercise, it'll keep us all thin and nice. I still wonder how people are obese.

    Do you mean 'White Rock'? The pseudo-suburb of Los Alamos? Did you go to Overlook Park for the rock climbing? Or ... ? I grew up in LA. Well, from

    • My bad, I meant White Rock. Overlook is quite awesome. The other places I loved was the Y, Playground and Diablo. Man, some of those places are full of some pretty hard climbing problems, 5 13+

      And Los Alamos has a pretty good climbing crowd, I've been on the rocks atleast thrice a week!

      Well, ofcourse. There are a lot of kids who do drink - I go to parties here and notice 14 year old kids hitting on marines working at the lab :-D It's not even funny.

      I guess I should re-iterate -- I do not see kids drinki

The 11 is for people with the pride of a 10 and the pocketbook of an 8. -- R.B. Greenberg [referring to PDPs?]
