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Journal Dave2 Wickham's Journal: "Popular Categories", eh? 2

I just took a look at the Prelinger Archives, just out of interest. Looked around the page a bit, clicked on some of the links, then found the "Popular Categories" box. For those who can't be arsed to follow the link, or if it's since changed, it contained the following:

Popular Categories
1. Pornography
2. Sex education
3. Sexualities
4. Sex education
5. Animation

Welcome to The Internet (or is that "Teh Intarweb"?)!

Edit: Very badly mixed tenses, fixed.

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"Popular Categories", eh?

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  • Hehe, I couldn't help noticing that the only film under "pornography" was an anti-pornography film! Uh, so, I'm sure that must have disappointed some people...

    I had a look at some of the other film archives, didn't find much that grabbed me- I think perhaps they could do with a better way of laying it out somehow. But most of all, I found that I couldn't download anything?! Is that supposed to be the case? I got the impression it was broken, but maybe I misunderstood something.

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