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Journal Tarantolato's Journal: Further Proof that OSNews is Retarded 2

Under normal circumstances, OSNews is only semi-offensively retarded. Eugenia the fat Greek installs some random Linux distro or whatever, comments on the icon theme, and talks about how cool BeOS was. Or else whatsisname regurgitates a bunch of vaporware hype straight out of whatever shady tax haven the current Amiga con-game is run out of these days.

Retarded enough to make you want to break something if you stumble upon it from Google News, but not something really big.

Lately, however, Eugenia has been posting stuff about programming. This is where the OSNews "community" really shows how much they breathe through not their mouths. And I'm not saying this cuz I'm bitter about the hirsute Hellene deleting my "f1rst post! w00t!" post (although I am).

Take the article on scripting languages from today. The author rambles on for a long time about typing systems, whines about how scripting languages are "inefficient", drools for a while over the l337ness of the non-scripting-language OCaml, then finally gets down to discussing an actual scripting language: BeanShell. Who the fuck uses BeanShell? No Perl, no Python, no Ruby; not even goddamn Windows Scripting host.

But wait there's more! The guy closes out with a long paragraph about how he wants to learn Objective-C.

OSNews, pat yourself on the collective retard back. You've really outdone yourselves.
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Further Proof that OSNews is Retarded

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