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Journal Rupert's Journal: Spam 2

Who knows the minds of spammers? I've noticed a trend lately: about 75% of my spam (~30 emails a day) are "apparently from" either "National Refinance Exchange" or "Western Advisory". The actual "From" field generally looks fake (, and so on).

Blocking those two strings at my ISP has cut the amount of email I have to download by 2/3 (I don't get much real email <sniff>).

I don't get it. Why go to the effort of faking the from address, then sticking an identifiable string in front of it?

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  • by mfh ( 56 )
    > I don't get it. Why go to the effort of faking the from address, then sticking an identifiable string in front of it?

    I think perhaps they are trying to circumvent anti-spam laws by identifying themselves, yet failing to provide contact info. Not sure really but it seems like a ploy for legal wiggle-room.

Heisenberg may have been here.
