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Journal Saige's Journal: Wachowski Brothers to Be Brothers No Longer 2

OK, this looks like little more than some hollywood gossip column talk, but what looked like a random link from a Plastic story contains some suprising information.

The Wachowski brothers aren't going to be brothers much longer. Looks like one of the Matrix guys is going to now be a Matrix gal.

Now, to be clear, I have no problem with such a thing... it just seems like one of the last people I'd ever expect to do such a thing.


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Wachowski Brothers to Be Brothers No Longer

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  • *boggle*

    *reads again*


    In the immortal words of Keanu Reeves: Whoa.



  • Still when someone you know decides to do this it tends to be even more of a shock.

    In my friend's case though his/her wife has stuck by through all of it. I find this sort of supprising since it's only been about 7 years since they started dating and 4 since they married.

The road to ruin is always in good repair, and the travellers pay the expense of it. -- Josh Billings
