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Journal Celt's Journal: So we're just good friends then?...

Well I didn't know what else to set the subject as so I set it to what you see above.

I'm still really happy since last Thursday (when Linda talked to me) its really weird and I can't explain it.
Anyway yesterday I didn't go into college so around 2pm I phoned Linda (I knew she wasn't in either) I asked if she was in town cause I wanted to tell her something (don't worry its good) well turns out she wasn't.
I woke up yesterday and just wanted to tell her how much she has changed my life.
So was one of her/my friends birthdays yesterday so we all headed out lastnight, got to hold hands with her and all that (sigh, it was nice) but as friends...
Anyway around midnight finally got the chance to talk to her and say what I wanted to say to her earlier.

and what I said was
"I wanted to say this earlier but well you weren't in town, don't worry its a good thing and atleast this time I don't need a letter to say what I want to say.
Wanted to let you know that although you've never known it, you've changed my life so much for the better, your the reason why I've become less shy and have gone out more and all that.
I just wanted to tell you this, so that no matter what you do in years to come I wanted you to know that you've changed someone's life SO MUCH!"

She thought it was really nice (and I got a few hugs during the night) and she said it ment alot to her to hear what I said.

Oh and I'm happy to say later in the night I did finally get to put my arm around her as I sat beside her in the nightclub, although I did ask her, I said "it ok if I put my arm around you as a friend" and she let me, man it was soo nice.

I know I still feel for her deep down but at the same time I'm just so happy to be friends with her.
Oh and we also went dancing lastnight :)

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So we're just good friends then?...

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