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Journal Famatra's Journal: Open Source Application Under Attack by Maker of KaZaA over

An article I submitted, I find it very important

Open Source Application Under Attack by Maker of KaZaA over Reverse Engineering

A story from Zeropaid indicates that maker of KaZaA, Sharman Networks, has sent a "Cease and Desist Letter" to the maker of KCEasy because it interoperates with their FastTrack network. The creator of KCeasy says on the KCEasy website "I feel that inclusion of FastTrack access with KCeasy is not worth a legal battle between Sharman and myself". A similar issue was covered by the Slashdot story Fight On Blizzard Vs. Bnetd Case on the right to reverse engineer to create an interoperable network. Reverse engineering to be another on the list of rights that have fallen by the way side?

(C) Famatra. This article is released into the public domain.

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