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Journal perfessor multigeek's Journal: Serving Fair Warning

Hey there. Sorry I'm not visiting other journals as much as I used to. Give me some time and I'll make up for it. Just shipped a few boxes off to Wisconsin. I'm continuing to pack more of them, as well as ones destined for Seattle. Wish I could figure out a good way to sell off much of what I've got here, with the big question being, do I or do I not keep most of my books? I may give away some of my most valuable furniture to friends rather then sell it. We'll see.

This past week I've mostly been blowing off work. Staying home, thinking about what to do now, working on the things that have been stalled while I got caught up in the various frantic crises of others. Took a few long walks. Caught up on some reading I've been meaning to do for years.


(Skip ahead to the last two paragraphs for only useful content.)

The big news this week may turn out to be that my deeply sleazy mother is looking like she may be gearing up for another round of harassment. She sent me an email in her usual style, superficially friendly but greasy when you knew the underlying specifics. Stuff like complimenting me on my company "growing by leaps and bounds", which would be great if only it were true. Especially since she's claiming to base this on looking at my site, most of which is date-stamped all over from two years ago. Usually that means either that she has too much contempt for the situation to bother relating her compliments to reality or that she's intentionally bringing up nasty stuff, all with a "sweet" smile. Kinda like how she put a dedication in her first book to "Rustin, the creative one in the family" and then took me aside to specifically tell me that this was to remind me that she was getting a book out while I had still done nothing. This, keep in mind, when I was still in high school.

So I figure that after seven years of waiting her out, I'm going to write the bitch and set terms. I've been thinking about doing something like this for over a year now but with her turning up again, I figured that it was time to move beyond things like how long a period of dead time or what sorts of letters I was willing to put up with.
I started by having a friend with access to financial data check into her finances. What properties she owns, what she controls, things like the apartments she still owns but now under some name like "Valentine Properties". Cute, since her birthday is Valentine's Day.
Good to see that she has now sold off the apartment two blocks from mine. No longer need to endure the sense of anticipatory loathing every time I walk the direct route to Central Park.

Googled her name. After seven years I still assumed I'ld know pretty much what I'ld find. Nope, wrong again. No surprise that she got a political book published, nor various political refs for her and her pathetic communist husband. Fewer memberships/directorships/whatever then I expected. One picture with her looking terrible and giving a greasy little fake smile. I won't deny that I thought it was funny and enjoyable that her wig was obvious.
The thing I didn't expect to find was a "sceptic's guide to the paranormal". Very fuckin' funny. How oh-so-fucking amusing. Especially since I had a continuing succession of what folks call "paranormal experiences" when I was a kid and she could always be counted on to tell me that I was lying/delusional/worthless since I "couldn't distinguish fantasy from reality". She was real big on telling me I was a "dead loss" and how it all came back to my "fantasies". Yep, a solid round of support, understanding, and concern.

So now the repugnant creature has used the experiences she and I had when her fourth husband (my stepfather) died as the jumping off point for becoming some sort of authority. Gives talks, gets cited.

Let it be noted that in the thirteen years I continued to deal with her between my stepfather's death and my finally breaking off all communications, I never got any better then "oops, bummer, maybe I was wrong". Evidently when you discover that you have been regularly telling your son that he is mentally ill and/or a pathological liar for seven years about something where he turns out to have been correct all along, it's just a minor boo-boo.

I really wasn't up for reading all the shite Google turned up but one friend dug deep enough to discover that she has, for whatever reason, erased me from her own writing. Evidently in her paranormal book I go under the pseudonym "Keith", which I suspect is meant as an inside joke about my grandmother's tendency to name her sons with old Scottish names.
Whyever she did it, I'm sure glad of it. Having the bitch out there with something like eight pages of Google links is quite bad enough but if I were to discover that googling my name was sending folks to the grasping beast's work then I'ld have a whole new reason to loath the creature.

Anyway, I also found more of the same. As always, she's workin' the system. As far as I can tell she has progressed not an angstrom unit towards being an ethical or honorable human being. However she is all the fuck over the Oregon political scene, as is her weasel of a husband.

Great. Just fucking wonderful.

Only twice so far in my life has some chowderhead tried to point me to the communist dimwit's self-indulgent, anti-productive bullshit as a useful reference for work I was doing. Both times I have firmly but insistantly given a detailed and unrelenting overview of why his facts, concepts, morality, personal life, and political methods are all repulsive gatherings of counterproductive, puerile obstructions to real social progress.
I can see why she married him. He has the intellectual rigor of a petulant four year old and is thereby at no risk of ever being a threat to her household ascendency. Makes sense, given that he's been living on other people's money his entire life, that he would be so very in favor of everybody else giving theirs away After all, any one person having wealth when others are hungry is "unfair" and can be solved by just impoverishing everybody equally. He calls this "World Equity" and shows no willingness whatsover to grasp that wealth does actually come from somewhere. That it's not just dropped from magic people in the sky.


It was satisfying to lay this out, chapter and verse, for the folks in the New York political scene who brought him up but would not be so if I had to do it every few days. (btw, in case you think that I am exaggerating, the dimwit is oh-so-proud of the way that he has rebuilt his entire parasitic life to match his "ethics" and yes, indeed he has been thorough. So by now everything from the clothes he wears to his speech patterns is an accurate representation of his disgusting "first principles".)


So this journal entry, unfortunately, is in part meant to serve notice. At some point the bitch will turn up here and when that time comes I'll have to shut down commenting privileges for anybody not yet friended. I truly am far from happy about this but since her history of inserting herself where she is entirely aware she is unwanted (you would not believe the range of misleading stationary, postmarks, etc. she has used to try to get me to read her letters) is utterly consistent, this journal as an open forum now has a ticking clock. I'ld estimate that I've got about three or four more months.
Far less likely is that she will bully/bribe/or simply harass somebody into getting access but even so, she's pulled off such shit in the past. If I ever think that there is even a suspicion of that then I am utterly gone from here.

Sorry for subjecting you folks to yet another round of my bile. Gawd knows I'ld be better off letting go of all of this but it is mighty hard when the real world keeps serving up reminders.

I'm turning off comments for this JE. After all, there's not much to say in such a situation and you've all got enough problems of your own without having to waste time on mine (though I very much appreciate the knowledge that somewhere out there folks read this stuff).

Again, thanks for reading. I hope I'll be able to (somewhat) ameliorate this soon.


The early bird who catches the worm works for someone who comes in late and owns the worm farm. -- Travis McGee
