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It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal heliocentric's Journal: My yard is full of gentiles. 8

So, the other evening I get a craving for a snack. I eye up some of the ice cream and decide to blend it up for my beverage and fix myself a burger. A lovely combo IMHO.

So, I put the ice cream in the blender, add some milk and some chocolate syrup and as I begin to blend it I notice there's all these people filling up the lawn.

It seems that not a single one was Jewish (possibly because of my combining of meat and dairy).

Thus I feel I should point out that:

My milkshake brings all the goys to yard
And they're like, "It's better than yours"
Darn right, it's better than yours
I could teach you
But I have to charge

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My yard is full of gentiles.

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  • *whew* (Score:3, Funny)

    by einstein ( 10761 ) on Wednesday April 21, 2004 @03:23PM (#8932390) Homepage Journal
    I though your yard was full of genitals.

    that was a close one.
  • Remind me to box your ears if I ever meet you in person :-P
    • Mein Milchshake holt alle Jungen zum Yard und sie sind wie "It sind besser als yours." Verfluchtes Recht ist es besser als Ihr. Ich könnte Sie unterrichten, daß aber ich würde aufladen müssen.

      Which, if you babel fish it back to English you get:

      Mine milk-hooks gets all boys to the yard and it is as "It is better than yours." Verfluchtes right is better it than their I could you inform that however I would have to load.

      Man... those milk-hooks, they make me want to load.
  • You decided to have a milkshake WITH your hamburger? GENIUS! How innovative! I bet someplace like McDonalds would pay Billions for that idea!

    Wait, what's that?

    Oh, they already have them?

    Nevermind then.

  • Mostly because most Jews I know don't keep that kosher.

    Cy Guy: That ain't yo momma's milkshake. The major ingredient in McShakes is not dairy related, but sea kelp. I wish I had the damned link handy.

What the world *really* needs is a good Automatic Bicycle Sharpener.
