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Journal perfessor multigeek's Journal: Free Stuff for Blacksmiths & Carpenters (& . . . ) 1

One of my clients is now vacating a three and a half story 1905 house in the Bronx. They got paid well and the house and adjoining lots are all being cleared to make way for ugly little condos.
So the mature hardwood trees (including one cherry) have been cut down and their trunks are sitting for whomever wants to take them.
Also several lengths (about eight feet each) of original tall wrought iron highly worked fencing are there for any blacksmiths out there looking for excellent quality (if kinda beatup) raw iron to rework.

Let me say this again. IT IS ALL FREE. All they want in return is a nice thank you note.

Oh, and so are several thousand plants. Since the wife is a botanist, she planted their sizable plot of land (for NYC, that is) with lilies, violets, forsythia, mayapples, tulips, and dozens of other varieties, all of which are now coming up. Oh, and plenty of ivy and holly and wisteria covering the walls. Again, you want, you take.

When? Anytime during daylight hours. If they ask, tell them that you're a slashdotter and that "Rustin sent you". Demolition starts on April 29th and the land is being interemittantly cleared so this is a now or never thing. Whatever is left will be chipped or dumpstered in not too many weeks. Where? 2549 Grand Avenue at the corner of 192nd, a few blocks south of Kingsbridge and east of University.

Lastly, if anybody can come and get all or most, there are also about fifteen shelves worth of books. Mostly hardbound, mostly fiction or political. Since the wife is the inheritor of the collections of a judge and two high-profile lawyers while the husband is a central european who was a partner in a demographics firm, this is good stuff. If I had the room, I'ld literally take every volume.
If you want it and can pick it up, then email me and we'll set up a time.

Other stuff? Sure
A turn of the century molding cutter, needs a new handle but otherwise intact. Weighs about fifty pounds.
Several (evidently) high-end oil-filled room heaters.
A collection of handmade brooms. Very Martha Stewart. Probably worth a few thousand bucks but we simply don't have the time to deal with them.
Some glass dry good containers.
Various pots and pans.

And so on.

Frankly, folks, these are financially secure people of excellent taste. None of this stuff is crap. You should see the stuff we did take the time to find homes for. It's just that I charge too much per hour* and they have no time and even more valuable stuff still needs our attention.

So come and get it.

* Yes, I am looking for a new assistant. Anybody want a flextime job? Varied work, underwhelming pay, interesting places, occasional skin-shredding deadlines? Drop me a line.

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Free Stuff for Blacksmiths & Carpenters (& . . . )

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  • If any of you actually want to get there by subway (for plants, I assume) you'll want to take either the number 4, the B, or the D to Kingsbridge.
    The 4 is best, as you can get out of the station, keep the armory on your right, walk a few blocks to Grand, walk south on Grand a few more blocks and you're there. On the orange line, you'll get out, walk towards, under, and past the elevated station for the #4 and then follow the directions above.

    Is this practical? Sure, I do it several times a week. But how y

Show me a man who is a good loser and I'll show you a man who is playing golf with his boss.
