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Journal JVert's Journal: servers in space.

I have come to a decision that we need to focus on moving our internet into outer space. The communication infrastrucure is flawed. First it was phoneline and coax, then its fiber. Next decade its... well its something different I can tell you that. Creating a wireless mesh is still too difficult because you can still have dead spots. No my friends, we need to move to space. Sattelite is innapropriatly slow because of so many round trips, but if we eliminate the middleman which is what I like to call "interearthnet".

This will adversly affect our latency issues with china though...


I think adding latency to communications between countries is a good idea.

makes you think before you send it.

or after you send it...

in which case its too late...

People would be firing rockets too soon.

"Mr President! Call off the missile strikes! We have some new information about the terrorist! They have not taken over Europe! Look at this message!"

I bring you:
My JE in 25 years *fade into future*...
pffbt, I tried patching to kernel 10.2 but my webserver crashed.
I think it landed in the north atlantic, want to come with for a recovery mission? I didn't backup :(

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servers in space.

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