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Journal jgardn's Journal: Liberals are Close-Minded

We're too busy putting down the Iraqi resistance to occupation to get the oil flowin'. The invansion has only just begun. We've been riding on post-liberation euphoria up until this point. The Iraqi's are only just now waking up to the fact that we dont' give a *** about them.

Interesting opinion. I certainly care about the Iraqis. It sounds like you do too. I'm sure if you asked most Americans what they think about the Iraqis, they would say they care about them to one degree or another.

So the idea that America doesn't care about the Iraqis is false.

I understand that perhaps you were arguing that the Bush Administration doesn't care about them. I don't think that is true either. If you have had your eyes open, you would've known about the support we are getting from Iraqi expatriots in America. I remember hearing on the radio of one Iraqi in tears saying how thankful he was for President Bush and the soldiers who gave their time, comfort, and lives to free his country. Now he can go back to Iraq and practice his profession without worrying about Saddam or his goons coming to get them.

If we didn't care about Iraq, we would've just nuked the whole dang thing and called it over. But we didn't. We committed soldiers and their lives to fighting one-on-one so we can discriminate friend or foe to the maximum degree possible.

As for this sudden awakening, it is only happening because as the June 30th deadline appears, the Saddam loyalists and Iranian-backed Shiite terrorists see a real end to their reign. It worked in Germany. It worked in South Korea, even while there was intense fighting against communist guerillas. It will work in Iraq, even if several cities are held under siege by terrorists and loyalists.

If we really didn't care anymore, we would pull out and let them fend for themselves. But we aren't. We are going to stay. We are going to stay and support the fledgling democracy. We are going to hunt down and kill every last terrorist and loyalist who dares raise their fist against the right of the people to vote for their government, and the right of the people to live a life unencumbered by vicious terrorists or ruthless dictators.

So now you see a different perspective. If you trully care about the Iraqis, you would use your voice to support our troops rather than minimize their effectiveness and support the terrorists and loyalists. If you truly cared about the Iraqis, you would stand strong, shoulder-to-shoulder with Bush and show that the terrorists stand no chance of victory even if Ralph Nader got elected president.

According to all the latest reports, there was no truth in any of the earlier reports.
