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Journal Grail's Journal: Serious Discussion 2

I've been living in Sydney for 9 months now. My girlfriend is still in Queanbeyan (small city near Canberra).

It's a 600km round trip - which ends up costing me at least $150 per fortnight. That means that I have no social life other than popping in to see friends for a cuppa. I can't afford anything - no diving, no movies, no new clothes.

I'm hungry. While other people are eating well, I'm living on scraps from my housemates because I can't afford to buy real food. My girlfriend feeds me, which is great.

I want to change the situation - I can't afford (in the financial, spiritual or even medical sense) to continue in this pattern of behaviour. A smoker would spend less money than me to maintain their habit.

So do I:

  • Do nothing
  • Drop the girlfriend (save on transport costs, save on sleep deprivation)
  • Ask the boss for a raise to support my LDR
  • Find a new job closer to my girlfriend that hopefully pays a little more too?

More news as it comes to hand.

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Serious Discussion

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  • Warning: cold unromantic analysis ahead :-)

    Long distance relationships typically depend on having a known end to the separation (when I'm done school, when the war is over, etc.). When they remain LDR indefinitely, they gradually fall apart (yes, there are exceptions).

    What's your LDR's end date? If you don't have one can you decide to make one? (It's not necessary to actually post the answers to these questions here) If not, this does not bode well.
  • As it happens, I'm getting a job at the ANU in Canberra. But my girlfriend's moving out to a country town about 100km way from Canberra.

    I think the sisters are weaving while drunk.

Never call a man a fool. Borrow from him.
