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Journal heliocentric's Journal: Two message posts in under a minute. 13

So, I find two things here in Slashdot land that I would like to reply to. I know full well that there is the 2 minute timeout thing, but that doesn't slow me down as I wiling hit submit in two tabs of my browser figuring one will get through and the other one I'll just come back and hit reload on. No worries.

I come back to check both tabs, and they both posted fine. No warnings about posting frequently. No being talked down to. I just post. The messages are also successive message numbers, too.

Here are the two posts with the same minute timestamp to prove it. Should you choose to read either, you will see I was obviously not trying to do this and merely posting boring drivel as always.

Reading over this I see now that this JE is quite boring and is of little value. Thus, I will end it with a poll to sort of give this meaning.

Heidi Fleiss: Hot or Not?

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Two message posts in under a minute.

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  • Here are the two posts with the same minute timestamp to prove it. Should you choose to read either, you will see I was obviously not trying to do this and merely posting boring drivel as always.

    I believe the timestamp is from when the page was opened, not when the form was posted. Further investigation into this matter is warranted. Someone give Chacham a call.

    • Oh, I've been doing the hit reply thing for a few posts I'm writing and come back later trick for ages now. Trust me, it is two mintues between successful posts. It is 20 seconds after hitting reply also.
    • Someone give Chacham a call.

      Why? :)
    • I believe the timestamp is from when the page was opened, not when the form was posted. Further investigation into this matter is warranted. Someone give Chacham a call.

      If this were true, then the date would have to be stored somewhere after you hit reply. The only sane place to put it is as a hidden form element ... but then the poster could set it to whatever they wanted.

      Also even with "normal" usage of someone hits reply, takes a couple of hours to write reply, then hits post ... the dates would

      • Won't work. There's also a unique key that is generated when you click "Reply". It expires after some period of time - not sure exactly how long, though. If the key submitted doesn't exist, then NO POST FOR YOU!

        Not sure, but there are likely additional checks in place on that system, so that you couldn't use a valid key from one conversation to post to another in which you might not have access to post.
  • by Chacham ( 981 ) *
    I'm wondering if the system didn't yet recognize the first post. That is, if the first one's update wasn't committed before the second one's query, it'll show as if the firast one wasn't posted? Perhaps i could try it myself.

    Heidi Fliess

    I liked Heidi, or just about anything Shirley Temple did. And i do not floss regularly.
  • Hot? No.
    Sexy. Yes.
    • Can we meet halfway with bonalicious? (Meaning, highly bone-able).
      • Can we meet halfway with bonalicious?

        If the results on are a fair indication of what she looks like, then I'm not particularly impressed. I mean, she's OK, but nothing more IMHO. In a few pictures, she looks quite nice, but in most she looks quite plain.

      • Can we meet halfway with bonalicious? (Meaning, highly bone-able).

        I wouldn't say highly boneable. Boneable, yes, but not overly so.

        Some of the pics of her I have seen make her look quite attractive, but many show her as a rather plain looking woman.

You can bring any calculator you like to the midterm, as long as it doesn't dim the lights when you turn it on. -- Hepler, Systems Design 182
