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Journal MacBrave's Journal: Weekend report

Wow. Another fairly busy weekend, or at least Satuday was. Do they ever slow down?

Saturday morning: Changed the oil/filter in both the Minivan and Jeep. Oldest son & I took about 7 gallons of used motor oil to the city recyling station. Got home and did a little yardwork, raking up old leaves & trash that had accumulated in the yard over the winter.

Saturday afternoon/evening: At 1pm leave to take my 7-year old to Coldwater, MI where we will meet up with his Grandma. He is staying with her for a few days over spring break. Made a pitstop on the way to check out my parent's house (they are in AZ. for the winter). Got to Coldwater about 5pm. Had dinner. Got back home around 9pm. My oldest son is headed down to Florida on a RIM (Retreat in Motion) bus for a 5-day trip with the church youth group. They are making stops at the Smokies, working in an Orlando soup kitchen, going to Disney world, hitting the beach, and coming home on Thursday. The bus pulled out at 8pm, so I missed it. Kinda wanted to be there when he left....

Sunday: Ran the video machine at the morning church service. Spent the rest of the day lounging around and playing NFL Street & BF1942.

Now that I've typed this, I guess the weekend wasn't all THAT busy. I guess the 300 miles worth of driving I did on Sat. makes it seem so........

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Weekend report

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