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PlayStation (Games)

Journal blueZhift's Journal: 2004 Best of Times Worst of Times

Arghh! My poor wallet! There are too many good games coming out this year!

Right now I'm counting down to Final Fantasy XI for PS2. After much thought I decided to go with the PS2 version because upgrading my console is cheaper than upgrading (ie rebuilding) my PC. Besides, playing in the living room is sooo much more fun.

Later this year, hopefully Gran Turismo 4 will make its appearance stateside. Along with all of the expected eye candy, I'm looking forward to racing minivans! Yep, I heard minivans will be in there too. I'm just waiting for the NASCAR Better Homes and Gardens Cup Minivan Championship now...:-) In the meantime, maybe I'll take Need for Speed Underground for a spin.

Oh, is that my XBox screaming for Knights of the Old Republic? Could be... I generally like to stretch my purchases out over time, but there's just too much out there now. Man, my wife's gonna kill me!

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