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Journal speedfreak_5's Journal: Definition of Piracy

Music and piracy. It's getting hard to find a site without the two words in the same sentence. But is the whole file-shring phenomenon really piracy?

      I don't think so for the reason that people who share files don't make money off of it. Well, most of us. If this was the definition tied to the now demonized word piracy, then the RIAA and MPAA's cases would look much less potent. Now there's a new recruit to the dark side from the west coast, congressman Adam Schiff. Schiff represents the 27th district of California who's residents include Disney, Warner Bros, NBC and ABC, Nickelodeon studios, Dreamworks SKG, and Black Entertainment Television. That's a lot of corporate ass to kiss and be pimped by.

      So...what do we do now that there's a Media parasite in both the Senate and House of Representatives? I don't know. A "million geek march" might be enough, but then Valenti(1) would attempt to dismiss many participants as "pirates". But if it was called the "million formerly faithful music CD buyers march", it might have a pretty big impact since participants would be seen has a force with lots of money not to be messed with. Not to say that we aren't now, but the name would instill fear in the meaty blood pump(2) of Hilary Rosen especially.

      These organizations think they're losing money every time a movie or song is downloaded. If this is so, I would like to see the like to theior bank accounts that shows every time a song is copied, a withdrawal is made. If not ten they are only losing prospective sales due to their "copy-protection is necessary" theme.

      I think that we shouldn't follow this bill if it passes. I mean, if it does, I think the RIAA and MPAA should have to foot the bill. They damn well better be able to replace every computer in this country if this passes. If not, then STAY THE F*** AWAY FROM MY (key word MY, as in you paid nothing for it) COMPUTER!!!

1. I did enjoy The O' Reilly Factor when he grilled Valenti over the R movies targeted to kids, too bad he didn't grill him on the much more important subject at hand...
2. I believe having a heart requires you to have some consideration for others; if she had any consideration for the listeners and artists instead of lining her pocketbook with crap taxes on CD-Rs to combat their definition of piracy, I would have had different wording

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Definition of Piracy

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