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Journal Saige's Journal: The Value of Pain 2

Poor Gabby. I just ran across an article about her - a little girl with the curse of feeling no pain. A curse, I say? Yes. In case you haven't thought about it or heard about the stories of those who don't have it, pain is very valuable.

It tells you when you're doing your body harm. Without it, how would you know when to stop doing something? Especially as an infant or small child?

Gabby didn't have pain to save her eyes either. She scratched them so severely, that at one point doctors sewed them shut to keep her fingers out. But, the damage was already done.

It is just heartbreaking, to read about what she's already done to herself, and to know it can't possibly get any better.

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The Value of Pain

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  • it's pretty rare- but the people who have it live in a sheltered world. Just reaching for something can damage you if you don't feel the pain that tells you something is doing damage. What's the sifference between a skinned knee and a broken leg? PAin. A kick that reaches and a kick that sprains? pain again.

    In my world, where i have 300-400% the normal amount of pain chemicals, everything hurts. I don't talk about it often, because i feel it's whingeing, but just this once, i think it's relevant.


  • by Chacham ( 981 ) *
    Wow. Thanx for the link.

    In one sense its disturbing. In the other, look at the neat things she'll do in some years that her classmates cannot.

    Besides, she can more easily risk her life to save others, such as in being a firefighter. She'll need instrument ot help, but with a clear mind she can make better decisions in desperate situtations.

    So, i hope the best for her. Once accepted though, and helped, she has a tremendous asset.

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