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Journal GillBates0's Journal: Slashdot for technical advice

I posted a question about my 8mm projector in the Forgotten Electronics of the 70s and 80s and received *many* helpful comments, suggestions and advice about transferring my father's home movies. Thanks everybody!

Super 8mm Home Projector (Score:5, Interesting)
by GillBates0 (664202) on Thursday January 22, @06:41PM (#8060990)
( | Last Journal: Saturday February 07, @08:37AM)

My father has an old Super 8mm home projector lying around, with a bunch of home movies, which are lying around catching fungus. For nostalgia's sake, we still sit around once/twice a year and watch the old old movies projected on the 1.5x1.5 meter screen. He desperately wants to convert them to digital format, because they're really fragile. Any pointers, one how to go about this in a cost-effective manner? We've tried the brute-force method of re-filming the projected video off the wall, but it's *very* lossy. Some of the rare stores that do it charge anything from $5.00 per foot of film and up, which will cost a *lot* of money for the 200 odd reels lying around. Not exactly on topic, but any pointers to do it at home (I am willing to shell out upto $1000, if I need to buy a kit or something) will be *most* welcome. Thanks!

To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. -- Thomas Edison
