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Journal MagnetarJones's Journal: I can change the channel, can you?

I'm trying to figure out why other people think that they know whats best for me.

I respect the rights of people to tune into their local preacher on the radio and listen to him/her spin their tales of fantasy, but why do I not get the same respect when I want to listen to Howard Stern?

I know what to expect from Mr. Stern so I am well prepared to tune out or turn down my radio when I hear something that I don't like, why is it that other people can't grasp that simple concept? I'm not asking you to like him, you are free to make your own decisions on that (at least in my mind), WHY DO OTHER PEOPLE NOT RESPECT MY RIGHTS??? People have different beliefs, opinions, tolerances and values and what (you think) is good/bad for you may not be what I believe is good/bad for me. What upsets you may be something that I find insignificant and you may find that what upsets me is insignificant to you.

please, Please, PLEASE!!! STOP TELLING ME WHATS GOOD AND NOT GOOD FOR ME, I'm quite capable of figuring that out on my own.

Janet Jacksons Boob - Was on the tube for all of what? a second? or less? deal with it and move on, there are much more important things to worry about.

TPotC - Its a freakin movie for the Flaming Stick of Fuck, deal with it and move on, there are much more important things to worry about.

Gay Marriage - Who gives a crap, again there are more important things to worry about. Like I want my tax dollars going to pay for our "leaders" to debate this for weeks on end? NO!!!!

This country is regressing into a bunch of whining pussies who don't want anyone to have the freedom of individual responsibility or individual rights. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!

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I can change the channel, can you?

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