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Journal rjw57's Journal: Awake! 1

Terrible headache last night due to long wranglings with the MCR box. Got it booting off the read only FS in the end (thank god) although the solution is literally[1] a sticking plaster over the FS. I spent a long time tracking down where pgp writes its temporary files so I could special-case them. I'm pretty sure its all up and working now. Just need to find a way to get NoCatAuth to log via syslog, all logging is redirected to another box, and I can start hardening it.

Anyhow -- I went to bed early with the headache and had a good couple of hours nap waking up feeling tired but a bit better. Had a drink and went back to bed and woke up 7:40am feeling fine -- woohoo!

Wanted to get Jennie proof-reading the paper today but forgot to give it to her. Oh well. This morning I think I'll hone my Matlab skills in an attempt to improve one of the diagrams. That and maybe comment the script I use to build the MCR box's filesystem as it is somewhat cryptic at the moment.

[1] I naturally mean 'metaphorically literally' here :)

This discussion was created by rjw57 (532004) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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