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Journal mjprobst's Journal: Chris O'Brien and Cohorts shows

If you live in the Minneapolis area, and care about real live music, take a look at the Chris O'Brien and Cohorts website to see where/when we perform next. Yes, that's me, the dorky looking guy with the pharcked-up cello thingy.

We often make live recordings available for free; you can check for them on the filesharing networks. Working on posting some shows this week.

You might even bother to mention that you found out about it through this journal entry. That's highly unlikely as I've never really adhered to the whole blogging thing. Think of this as more of a social experiment with no audience.

Or you might decide to stay home staring at the mind-frying electron tube spouting off about how much better you are than the rest of us. It's a perfectly reasonable alternative to possession of a life. After all, according to certain choice authorities here I am a "whiny cunt", without a sense of humor and unworthy of life. That would really hurt if it weren't so far from truth that it makes me fall out of my seat laughing.

Go get a life yourselves; at least I have one, however dull you might find it. You might start by coming to hear some real music. It would beat looking over my shoulder at the crappy ColdFusion "code" I churn out against my better judgement.

Old programmers never die, they just hit account block limit.
