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Journal MacBrave's Journal: What's in a name?

A High School mascot name that is?

This high school: Watersmeet has been getting some press recently because it's mascot is the 'Nimrod'. If you look it up, it's not really the derogatory term most of use have come to associate the word with.

There is also a rather old (1986) list of 'best high school mascots' floating around. Here's the list:

3. NIMRODS of Watersmeet, MI
4. IMPS of Cary, NC
5. ATOMSMASHERS of Johnson Prep, Savannah, GA
6. ANGORAS of Clarkston, GA
7. FLIVVERS of Kingsford, MI
8. SQUIRRELS of Winslow, AZ
9. PEGLEGS of Stuyvesant in NYC
10. DOTS of Poca, WV

Now some of these names IMHO don't really deserve to be there. Squirrels? Angoras?

I think some of schools in my home state of Indiana a deserved some credit for creative mascots. Here's a few of my favorites:

Delphi Oracles

Logansport Berries

Northeast Dubois Jeeps

And of course the town in which I reside, the Frankfort Hot Dogs

Any other good mascot names out there?

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What's in a name?

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