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Journal MacBrave's Journal: Home Improvment update

Things have been moving along, kinda slowly, on the various home renovations we have planned.

Completed wallpapering and putting up new trim in the front room a couple of weeks ago. Since then we have finished painting a large china cabinet and replacing the glass in the doors with fabric. This was my wife's idea, and it worked out really well. Also finished re-painting a small wall-mounted bookshelf that had been laying around in the basement for a few years. I mounted it in the front room above the cd-player as a place to put various CD's.

Last night started painting a small bench that my monther-in-law gave us over a year ago. This will go in the front room as well.

The big thing was that we purchased the laminate flooring and other sundries for the kitchen floor last night. One of the local home centers had it on sale so we went for it. Thank goodness for income tax refunds.
The problem will be finding a weekend to install it. Might not until April or so..........

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Home Improvment update

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