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Journal L-dawg's Journal: shipwrecks, trachea, jaxx

If you want to read a completely depressing novel you can try Shipwrecks, by Akira Yoshimura. Is there a genre of novel called "story of survival and barbaric human nature set on a beach"? You know, Lord of the Flies, The Beach, etc. All three of those novels made me pretty uncomfortable while reading them, seeing inevitable/inherent/in-whatever evil survival instinct. Well I got through a good chunk of the book while on the BART yesterday (sorry, had to throw that in there) and just decided to finish it last night. Not a very uplifting ending there.

Adventure to the peninsula yesterday. It ended in two games of sober pictionary. Skoo and Jim vs. Bossy and me. I concluded that as a child, I was scarred for life by a brother seven years older and five orders of magnitude smarter than me, who won every single game we ever played. As a result, I now generally refuse to play any game that my bro would've played. (Any card or board game.) And I choose things to do that he doesn't like, e.g. basketball. Anyways, when skoo yelled "trachea" and then later identified the rabbi as "Bob Marley" I just lost it. Oh man.

The latest Basement Jaxx is very good. Also that Air stuff isn't bad either.

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shipwrecks, trachea, jaxx

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