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Journal HomelessInLaJolla's Journal: 140111 (La Jolla, CA, 92037, war v7.104)

War in La Jolla, seventh year, one hundred and fourth entry

The religious lifestyle is so fulfilling. Gives you faith and firm foundation. Even if you are unaware that you have been in a situation before, you may have, and your religious lifestyle, if you truly have one, will assist you in gliding through the situation properly.

Last night, the antagonist with the excuse,"I'm just from Seattle" around 1 AM. He called last year, too.

What tune is that? in excelsis deo?

Rich kid doggie faggitt
rich kid doggie faggitt
rich kid doggie faggitt pedophile
in La Jolla, California

This morning, just after breakfast, I encounter a group of police similar to previous year after Mr. "I'm just from Seattle"

So, Mr. Baumeister. What's going on this morning?
You guys here for any particular reason or just passing through?
Oh, we were just driving around and thought we'd breeze through the area and see who is around.
Okay, well, without too many words, here's what's going on.
Millionaires and "rich people" participate in a supervigilante network
They have sex with anmals and children
They use remote control birds to spy on elementary schools
And, because of their sexual perversions, in the animal kingdom they are called "runtling" and they will never drop their voice.
*pause* *blink*
Okay. Let me get your information.
*information exchange*
What do you mean "drop their voice"
*heh* Their voice will never quite fill out like this *demonstration* *psst* not to offend you, personally, sir.
Well, Central says you're okay. Have a good morning.

A millionaire's favorite way to make money: blow the dog, eat the poo
A millionaire's favorite way to spend money: buy a diaper baby to rape to death.

The eunuchs especially enjoy gradiose displays of dismemberments. Psychological therapy.


Maybe it's what you and your families do. But I do *NOT* want animal jism whores handling my children!

Sir, these faggitts have voices that will never drop. Was it a sin of theirs or their parents'?
Well, you need to know where babies come from, and how they are made.

For example... (following the monastic format from a few days ago)

Sir, it is the community again. They claim to be running out of babies entirely. Well, tell them, all we have are the steam ones rolled from scratch, and the records department has been compressing numbers for so long that all of those get beat to death several times over and loaded up with boiled down siphons. Like the polymorph, this is a ten thousand year old monastery, we can't just jump to the front of the line and "go see it" or just go pick up a newly heated baby. The closest we can do is pick up one of the record-keeping-eunuch paschal lambs and snap them into these rumplestilskins that we have in the back of that other warehouse. Do they want 'em or not?

So, yes, it was somewhat of a sin of your parents that made you a doggie faggitt pedophile runtling. Do you want to stay out of hell or not?

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140111 (La Jolla, CA, 92037, war v7.104)

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